Friday, November 28, 2008

Outfit Inspiration: Library Style

I spent a lot of time in the library today, snuggled up in a corner with my new jumper. I know that clothes aren't really top priority when you're in such a place, but I couldn't help imagining my ideal book-ogling outfit anyway.

A woolly jumper for comfort, a prim skirt to get in the library spirit, and a pair of heels that can be slipped off with ease for maximum chair-curling comfort! Add a pair of knee socks to feel like a schoolgirl, a hairband to keep any strands out of the way, and voila! You're ready to find some amazing new books, or re-read some old favourites. (Might I recommend The Time Traveler's Wife? I've yet to meet anyone — boy or girl — who hasn't loved it.)

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